About half of all dementia patients are getting these inappropriate—and dangerous—prescription drugs from their doctors… And the results can be fatal.

These Dementia Prescriptions are Secret Killers

In All Health Watch, Big Pharma, Cognitive Health, Dementia, Featured Article, Health Warning

Nursing homes and doctors push these dangerous medications on seniors to help relieve dementia symptoms…things like irritation and mood swings. But these drugs are putting patients’ lives at risk.

Risperdal, Zyprexa, and Seroquel… These antipsychotic drugs are meant to treat patients with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. Not dementia. Yet doctors use them to medicate about 50% of dementia patients.1 But that’s not even the real danger here…

The FDA gave this class of drugs a black-box warning. That’s the worst label they can slap onto prescription drugs. The notice alerts medical professionals to avoid prescribing antipsychotics to dementia patients for risk of heart failure, infection, and death.2

Reports show dozens of dementia patients have died after taking an antipsychotic. One patient died within two weeks of a Hardol injection at a nursing home. And this was after the patient’s daughter told the staff not to medicate her parent with antipsychotics.3 It shouldn’t come as a surprise… Studies show dementia patients who took these drugs are 1.5 times more likely to die.4

But death isn’t the only risk… Taking these medicines can come with serious side effects.

One of them is a permanent loss of voluntary movement throughout your body. This happens to about 5% of patients a year. You also risk developing chronic physical restlessness. Patients may also become agitated…and can act violently. Over 76% of users experience this.

There’s also the chance you’ll develop neuroleptic malignant syndrome… It means experiencing fever, altered mental states, and muscular dysfunction. And having it can kill you. The Citizens Commission on Human Rights estimates this syndrome has claimed almost 100,000 lives to date.5

Despite all the evidence, some nursing homes and doctors claim there are no other good treatment options. We disagree. In fact, there are multiple ways to prevent—even fight off—dementia.

Start by getting exercise every day. It can help improve cognitive function by 55%.6 Eating the right foods can help too. The vitamin C content in oranges and tomatoes defends against free radical damage. Eating them may even improve brain function.7

You can also try adding wild-caught salmon into your diet. It’s rich in omega-3s. These fatty acids reduce brain inflammation by up to 90%. This may help prevent memory loss.8 But these aren’t the only natural ways to protect your brain…

The decades’ worth of research on one natural herb is impressive to say the least… And Big Pharma knows it. They’re trying to turn this extract into a drug.

And when they do, they’ll try to sell it to you for hundreds of dollars…and who knows what kind of side effects it might come with.

You can get the safe, natural version now, for just pennies a day.

Go here to see how to get all the details on this memory miracle in your hands today.

In Good Health,

Angela Salerno
Publisher, INH Health Watch

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