Eliminating this common health threat will have you feeling good and seeing a lot less of your doctor… It may even cut your risk of developing deadly diseases.

The Simple Solution for Reducing Doctor’s Office Visits by up to 90%

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, General Health

You might not realize when this is taking a toll on your health… Most people don’t. That may be why it’s responsible for up to 90% of all doctor’s office visits in the U.S.

The symptoms can start off minor… Things like headaches, stomach pain, and trouble sleeping. But if you don’t do anything about it, those minor symptoms can develop into serious ailments. These include depression, ulcers, and insomnia.

You might already be dealing with one of these health issues… They can be genetic. Or it could be the result of environmental factors. But if you can’t get this problem under control, it might only be making things worse. Just look at emotional disorders…

A person’s odds for developing one in their lifetime is over 50%… And this could be the main factor behind it.1 We’re talking about stress.

If you’re dealing with it at work, you could be 80% more likely to develop depression alone.2

But that’s not even the worst of it…

Stress is a natural response. But it is the secret cause of 43% of all adverse health effects in adults.3 It may be responsible for nearly half of your own health problems…

The Harvard Health Publication reveals that caretakers for elderly loved ones with Alzheimer’s have high cortisol levels. You might know it as the stress hormone. It keeps you fat and steals your memory. And having higher levels meant they couldn’t make enough antibodies to kill influenza. They were also 63% more likely to die prematurely.4

Stress can make you physically sick…even make an illness worse. Your immune system starts to get weaker within minutes of experiencing it.5

If stress is often the reason for a weak immune system… And a weak immune system is prone to diseases and illness… Relieving stress can improve your immune system. This means reducing your chances of getting sick in the first place. Or shortening the duration of an illness.

Stress isn’t always obvious. Many of us don’t know how to recognize it. But our bodies do.

Relieving stress isn’t a guaranteed treatment… But it’s a major step in the right direction.

One study found five days of stress-relief reduced diabetic patients’ risk of heart disease, stroke, and peripheral arterial disease.6

Here are a few simple ways you can naturally reduce your stress levels today:

Eat more greens. Leafy vegetables are a good source of magnesium. It can help prevent headaches and fatigue.7

Drink green tea. This beverage contains the amino acid L-theanine. Research shows this compound reduces anxiety…and anger.8

Avoid processed and sugary foods. Studies reveal junk food can make you feel depressed.9

Enrich your diet with B vitamins. They help the brain and nervous system operate normally.10

Snack on a mango. This delicious fruit contains linalool. It’s an oil that decreases anger and stress.11 It also helps improve sleep patterns. That’s another way to fight off stress in itself.

These tips may even help ward off other health threats. Adding them to your daily routine may be the first steps to eliminating stress—and taking control of your health—today.

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