Japanese Condiment Could Cure Cancer

In All Health Watch, Breast Cancer, Cancer, Featured Article, Lung Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Skin Cancer

We recently reported on a compound in brown seaweed that can destroy lymphoma cells. You can find this type of seaweed in sushi rolls.

But now you have another reason to eat sushi: A sushi bar staple could be the cure for bladder cancer.

A new study comes from Arup Bhattacharya. He has degrees in microbiology, biophysics, and psychology. He has a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biophysics from the Department of Cancer Biology at Roswell Park, SUNY at Buffalo. He also teaches homeopathy. His research focuses on isothiocyanates (ITCs) and their role in cancer treatment.

His studies have been published in many peer-reviewed journals. The latest is in the Oxford Journal. It shows that an organic compound “strongly inhibits bladder cancer development and progression.”

What Happens When Bladder Cancer Meets AITC

The organic compound doing the work is an ester. It’s called allyl isothiocyanate (AITC).

“The present investigation was designed to test the hypothesis that AITC-containing cruciferous vegetables also inhibit bladder cancer development,” said Dr. Bhattacharya.

Broccoli is a crucifer often used in anti-cancer studies. That’s nothing new. So these researchers went beyond broccoli.

“We focused on an AITC-rich mustard seed powder,” said Dr. Bhattacharya.

In untreated control subjects with bladder cancer, researchers found that tumors invaded the surrounding muscles 71 percent of the time. In subjects treated with AITC, bladder cancer growth was cut by 34.5 percent. AITC also “blocked muscle invasion by 100 percent.”

So AITC stopped the cancer from spreading to the muscles.

Dr. Anthony Di Pasqua is a bioinorganic chemist at the University of North Carolina. He conducted a study on AITC with Dr. Fung-Lung Chung at Georgetown University. They came to a similar conclusion.

“Our studies have shown that, once inside the cell, ITCs bind to proteins and that protein binding affinities are closely associated with the ability to induce apoptosis,” said Dr. Di Pasqua. (Apoptosis is a type of programmed cell death, where a cell kills itself.)

Bladder tumors grow very fast. The most common treatments are surgery, radiation, and chemo. Sometimes, the entire bladder is removed.

How does AITC help?

You eat something that has AITC in it. The AITC ends up in your urine. The bladder stores urine. So bladder cancer cells are exposed to the AITC. And that’s where AITC could cause the cells to commit suicide.

The Japanese Way to Battle Cancer

The newest cancer cure has 40 times more AITC than broccoli. It’s called Wasabia japonica. Known to sushi lovers as wasabi.

Wasabi is a root vegetable. The Japanese grate it into a paste. They believe eating it improves health and fights off illness.

Other AITC-rich plants include mustard and horseradish. Like wasabi, they pack a lot of heat. The burn is from the AITC.

You can buy wasabi in many grocery stores. It’s also offered in pill form. 100 percent pure Wasabia japonica powder is the way to go.

This new research shows us what AITC is capable of. Now you’re equipped with another weapon that can help fend off cancer. Mix wasabi in with your soy sauce the next time you eat sushi. Your good health might be worth the pain.

To your best health,

Michael Jelinek,
NHD “Health Watch”