Whether it’s high blood pressure, insomnia, or an extra 20 pounds…
You want to know what works and why it works…
Today—Gain Access to the World’s Top Healers and Most Innovative Scientists
Dear Friend,
In today’s assembly line medical industry, too often patients are rushed through their doctor’s office. They can’t get the vital information they need to heal their bodies.
And the little advice they do get often comes courtesy of Big Pharma, which uses its financial clout to get doctors to push its drugs instead of natural treatments.
But whether it’s high blood pressure, insomnia, losing 20 extra pounds, or fighting cancer, you not only want to know what works, but why and how it works.
You want to hear amazing stories of other people who have tried different approaches to medicine and healing.
And you want to know the alternatives for yourself.
A powerful network of the world’s top healers and most innovative scientists is dedicated to getting you this vital information. It’s called The Institute of Natural Healing. Through their monthly publication, Independent Healing, they help empower citizens around the country to take control of their own health with breakthrough rarely mentioned in mainstream establishments.
Today, I want to invite you to join this renowned circle of health and independence and for a limited time, I want to give you a FREE GIFT doing so.

It’s called, Essential Healing: A Comprehensive Guide from the Cutting-Edge of Medicine. It’s the result of years of exhaustive research by the staff of The Institute of Natural Healing. We’ve done the homework for you—interviewing, researching, and organizing the latest medical studies on life-changing breakthroughs and little-known information like…
- The 3 secret weapons to help prevent and fight Alzheimer’s.
- How to unlock the Ultimate Fat Burner
- The simple secret to a lifetime of weight loss
- The Fighter Pilot Blood Pressure Solution
- The First Line of Defense Against Illness
- The Hormone Disrupters Quietly Destroying Your Immune System
- The Strange Mexican Treatment that can Kill up to 10,000X more Cancer Cells than Chemo Alone
- The One Simple Nutrient that Fights Breast Cancer
- The Real Cause of Hearing Loss and 10 Easy Ways to Stop it
- And so much more!
By claiming your own personal copy of Essential Healing: A Comprehensive Guide from the Cutting-Edge of Medicine, you’ll get all the details on every single one of the natural approaches to maintaining a vibrant, disease-free life, plus…
The age-defying breakthroughs shared with subscribers every month in the special publication, Independent Healing.
Independent Healing features the most up-to-the-minute information on the latest natural breakthroughs…
Information not available anywhere else on the planet.
Today, I’d like to extend a personal invitation to you to join the exclusive Independent Healing reader group…
If you accept this invitation…
I’ll start mailing you Independent Healing… a brief, easy-to-read report – straight to your inbox every single month…
And today, you will receive my 504-page masterpiece, Essential Healing: A Comprehensive Guide from the Cutting-Edge of Medicine—FREE.
But please don’t wait. These natural treatments—many of which have already changed the lives of those battling today’s deadliest diseases—have already been hidden from you for far too long.
Today is your chance to have them all in one place. To claim your copy, simply review the information below and accept a NO-RISK subscription to the breakthrough publication Independent Healing.
To your independent health,
Amanda Angelini
Publisher; Independent Healing
To receive your FREE copy of Essential Healing: A Comprehensive Guide from the Cutting-Edge of Medicine, CLICK HERE to get started with a 1-year subscription (12 issues) to Independent Healing.
This is The Institute for Natural Healing’s ultimate 504-page guide to wellness, packed with powerful natural solutions to help you take control of your health.
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Subscription options include:
- Independent Healing – 1 year (12 issues) for $74.00 annually
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You’ll save 50%! Start off with a 1-year subscription to Independent Healing and receive your copy of Essential Healing: A Comprehensive Guide from the Cutting-Edge of Medicineas a FREE BONUS Gift! You will receive all the benefits of a subscriber including 12 monthly issues of Independent Healing, full access to The Institute for Natural Healing’s online archive, daily updates, and exclusive subscribers-only perks. Your satisfaction is guaranteed!