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 The Natural Combo That Eases Digestive Problems 

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, General Health, Gut Health

 The Natural Combo That Eases Digestive Problems 

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is not only miserable, it’s frustrating. 

More than 1.6 million Americans suffer from the condition. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are the two principal types of IBD.i 

The stomach cramps, pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and other symptoms of IBD can severely limit your quality of life.ii  

The worst part? Read More

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Sugar Is Poison… This May Be the Antidote. 

In All Health Watch, Anti-Aging, Diabetes, Diet and Nutrition, General Health, Gut Health

 Sugar Is Poison… This May Be the Antidote. 

Groundbreaking studies of an ancient Indian herb bring great news for people who can’t control their sugar cravings… 

Researchers have found that this natural remedy helps control blood sugar, increases natural insulin production, and even fights belly fat.i 

It could be a godsend for people with diabetes. And it may help Americans end their addiction to sugar.Read More

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The “Bad” Habit That Helps You Live Past 90

In All Health Watch, Anti-Aging, Diet and Nutrition, Longevity

If you enjoy a couple drinks at the end of your day, here’s good news… 

A major long-term study has found that drinking two beers or glasses of wine daily increases longevity. 

Researchers from the University of California have been closely following the health of over 1,600 elderly people since 2003. It’s part of a research effort known as the “90+ Study.”Read More

No Drugs, No Surgeries… Conquer Chronic Pain With the Power of Your Mind

In INH Newsletter

These 7 research-backed solutions can help your brain turn off back, joint, nerve, and other types of chronic pain. 

Don Benedict’s back hurt so badly that he wanted to kill himself. He was bedridden and didn’t see the point of going on.i 

Just a few years earlier, things were very different.  

Don was an avid athlete. He played competitive handball and was a long-distance runner, doing 5 miles every other day. Read More

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Eating Eggs Every Day Does This to Your Heart

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, Heart and Cardiovascular

For decades, mainstream doctors warned that eggs were just about the worst food for your heart. 

The American Heart Association issued guidelines saying that eating eggs causes cholesterol levels to rise. This would lead to clogged arteries and heart attacks, they said. 

A few years ago, researchers started questioning this conventional “wisdom.” 

Two major studies were launched to take a close look at how eggs affect your heart.Read More

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Why This Is the Best Time of Year to Eat Fish

In All Health Watch, Cognitive Health, Diet and Nutrition, Nootropics and Brain Support

For centuries, fish has been known as “brain food.” And now researchers have discovered that it can prevent Parkinson’s disease, one of the most devastating illnesses of the brain.i 

For the study to make sense, you need to know a bit about how proteins work in the brain… 

Proteins are long chains of amino acids. They are absorbed into specific brain structures to carry out their function.Read More