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This One Food Ingredient Boosts Memory

In All Health Watch, Cancer, Diet and Nutrition, Gut Health

Chronic inflammation is the enemy of your body and your brain. 

Scientists have come to see inflammation as the common factor behind some of the worst diseases plaguing mankind, including Alzheimer’s.i 

But now a study shows that certain foods fight brain inflammation and the age-related memory problems that come with it.ii 

Research from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has found that high-fiber foods help slow brain aging.Read More

Two Natural Solutions to the Holiday Blues

In All Health Watch, Blood Pressure, Heart and Cardiovascular

If you’re prone to depression, the holidays can be the worst of times.  

The stress of travel and seeing relatives can be overwhelming.  

And if you’re susceptible to seasonal affective disorder, lack of sunlight can also be a factor in causing mood issues this time of year. 

Sixty-four percent of people with depression report that the holidays make their condition worse.Read More

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One Exercise Fights the Root Cause of Disease

In All Health Watch, Fitness and Exercise, General Health

Chronic inflammation is the root cause of many serious illnesses, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s. 

Harvard University researchers go even further.   

They say inflammation may cause all disease. They call it the “unifying theory” of disease.i  

But inflammation can also be lifesaving. It is the body’s natural response to injury and illnesses. The process involves white blood cells and other immune substances attacking viruses and bacteria that invade your body. Read More

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The Ancient Solution for Mental Sharpness

In All Health Watch, Cognitive Health

A major study shows that the ancient yogi masters were right…  

Meditation makes your brain sharper. 

And researchers at Trinity College in Dublin have discovered how it works.i 

There are different kinds of meditation. Types that focus on breathing have long been known to have particular benefits. They increase your ability to focus and giving you a more positive state of mind. Read More

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The Surgery Danger Doctors Won’t Talk About

In All Health Watch, General Health

As we age, we face an increasing possibility of having surgery. 

More than half of all surgeries (53%) are performed on people over 65.i 

Heart disease, cancer, fractured bones, and any number of other medical conditions might force us under a surgeon’s knife. 

There is one surgical complication that seniors need to worry about more than any other. And it’s something that doctors rarely mention to patients.Read More

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How to Use Light to Increase Your Mental Sharpness

In All Health Watch, General Health

Some of us like to work in a dimly lit room so we can concentrate. We might even close our eyes to focus ourselves mentally. 

A darkened environment seems to lend itself to blocking out distractions. 

But surprising research finds that doing this is not only unhelpful, it actually damages your ability to absorb and remember new information.i 

Bright Light, Bright Mind 

In a study funded by the National Institutes of Health, neuroscientists at Michigan State University trained Nile grass rats to perform a simple task.Read More