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8 Jobs that Raise Cancer Risk

In All Health Watch, Cancer, General Health

Certain occupations are notorious for being dangerous.

Coal miners, police officers, convenience store clerks, and roofers, for example, generally know what they are getting into.

But some work risks are less visible, even if they are just as real.

Studies have found that people in certain occupations are at far greater risk for cancer than the general population. And some are jobs that you might not associate with cancer.… Read More

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Men’s Beards Are Germier than Dog Fur, Study Finds

In All Health Watch, Featured Article, General Health, Men's Health

Beards are fashionable these days, but a study found some scary stuff lurking in them.

The main goal of the research was not to analyze beards. Instead, scientists at Paracelsus Medical University in Salzburg, Austria, wanted to see if it was safe for people to use the same MRI scanners that dogs are sometimes scanned in.

Most veterinarians don’t have MRI scanners.… Read More

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One Satisfying Snack Fights Breast Cancer

In All Health Watch, Breast Cancer, Cancer, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article

Regular Health Watch readers know that tree nuts are a true superfood. We’ve told you about studies showing they fight weight gain, diabetes, brain aging, and more.

Now, research shows that walnuts may provide another, perhaps even more important, health benefit…

They suppress cancer.

The study is out of Marshall University. It is based on previous research that eating walnuts lowers breast cancer risk and slows its growth.… Read More

This Berry Can Lower Blood Pressure as Much as a Prescription Drug, Study Finds

In All Health Watch, Blood Pressure, General Health, Heart and Cardiovascular

Blueberries have long been known as a “superfood” because they contain high levels of antioxidants which help prevent the two leading causes of death in the U.S.: heart disease and cancer.

But a major study shows that they have another important benefit. Blueberries can lower blood pressure as much as prescription drugs. And the effect is almost instant…

They improve blood vessel function right after you eat them.… Read More

The Surprising Way Exercise Protects Against Alzheimer’s

In All Health Watch, Alzheimer's and Memory, Featured Article, General Health

Scientists have known for years that exercise not only keeps seniors in good physical shape, but it helps them stay mentally sharp. Study after study show that people who work out regularly perform better on cognitive tests as they get older.[i]

But researchers did not know exactly how physical activity improved memory and staved off dementia.

What is the mechanism?

Researchers may finally have an answer.… Read More