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Study Finds the BEST Time to Go to Sleep Is…

In All Health Watch, General Health

Let’s face it, there’s nothing quite like a great night’s sleep.

I’m stating the obvious here, but getting quality sleep helps you wake up feeling refreshed, alert, focused, and ready to take on the day.

And if that’s not incentive enough to make sleep a priority in your life, countless scientific studies have linked sleep to better health outcomes, lower risk of deadly diseases, and an overall improvement in your quality of life.… Read More

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ANOTHER Lifesaving Benefit of Omega-3s

In All Health Watch, General Health

Omega-3s are one of the single best supplements you can take for your overall health and vitality.

And trust me, I’ve talked about them A LOT.

They are good for your eyes, your brain, your heart, and they even fight chronic inflammation linked to countless diseases…

Just to name a few!

But just when you thought that omega-3s couldn’t possibly do more to live up to its reputation as a ‘wonder’ supplement…

Science has thrown us another bone!… Read More

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The NEW Danger of Type 2 Diabetes (Study)

In All Health Watch, General Health

There’s no shortage of health risks that come with type 2 diabetes.

From frequent urination and increased thirst… to obesity and heart disease.

When left unchecked, type 2 diabetes can put you in the crosshairs of some pretty serious conditions.

And now, researchers have discovered a NEW danger of type 2 diabetes… one that could severely impact your quality of life as you age.… Read More

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This Sleep Disorder DESTROYS Your Memory?

In All Health Watch, General Health

You know the importance of getting a good night’s sleep… especially as you age.

But for millions of Americans, getting quality shut-eye is a nightly struggle.

In fact, nearly 70 MILLION Americans suffer from chronic sleep problems.

But there’s one sleep disorder in particular that plagues millions of people each night… and it goes WAY beyond tossing and turning.

In fact, if left untreated it can lead to some serious MEMORY problems down the road!… Read More

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Fight Heart Disease… With Your Sweet Tooth? (Yum!)

In All Health Watch, General Health

Tell me if you’re heard this one before…

You need to stay away from SWEETS if you want a healthy heart.

Sure, eating mounds of sugar-laden chocolate everyday won’t do your heart any favors – and will likely put you down a path to an increased risk of heart disease.

But, maintaining a healthy heart doesn’t mean you need to eat a diet devoid of anything sweet and decadent…

Because today, I’ve got the scoop on how to harness better heart health with your sweet tooth!… Read More