There’s a new study on diet soda making its way around the mainstream. But it isn’t just flawed. Taking its message at face value may put your health in serious danger.
… Read MorePreserve Your Vision With This Ancient Beverage
We’ve told you before how coffee may help prevent cancer, improve memory, and even help you live longer. But new research shows that there may be an even more tangible benefit to starting each morning with a cup: It may help preserve your eyesight.
Researchers at the American Chemical Society looked at natural ways to support retinal health. They found that a certain antioxidant found in coffee prevents cell death in the retina by at least 73%.… Read More
Five Great Reasons to Try Ginseng
It’s an all-star herb of Chinese medicine.
It’s the 2,000 year-old secret to invigorating and cleansing the blood. Healers have used ginseng as a treatment for ailments ranging from hypertension to halitosis. Some people swear by it. Others dismiss it as snake oil. But there’s solid research to back up the health benefits of ginseng.
Here are five great reasons to try ginseng.… Read More
Mild Cognitive Decline Can Make You 80% More Likely to Die
It’s frustrating to forget where you left your house keys. But mild cognitive impairment (MCI) goes beyond the occasional senior moment. MCI can lead to more serious—and dangerous—situations.
You could forget to keep important appointments. It may even cause major lapses in judgment. And that’s not even close to the worst of it…
… Read MoreFDA Restricts Access
FDA Restricts Access to “Fountain of Youth” Secret for Over 2 Decades
Study results show fat turns to muscle… bone density increases… memory and cognitive function improves… and aging reverses as much as twenty years.
But there’s a simple way to tap the power of this secret and feel younger… without a prescription.
By Angela Salerno
No one said a word…
The New England Journal of Medicine published the results of this age-reversing bombshell 22 years ago.… Read More
Is a Cure At Hand?
New Alzheimer’s Drug Stirs Hope—Is a Cure at Hand?
Big Pharma is touting this new drug as the next great thing…but our research indicates it is dangerous!
Presenting: An all natural remedy that is safe, inexpensive, and every bit as powerful!
By Angela Salerno
The drug industry calls it new…but it’s not new at all…
In 1948, a group of scientists tested a primitive moss plant extract for the first time.… Read More