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Want to Lose Weight but Hate Hunger? Here’s Help

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, Weight Loss

Researchers at Purdue University have uncovered a simple diet change that makes weight loss easier.

The discovery was unveiled recently in the journal Obesity.1

Their solution is simple: Eat more protein. Protein targets the thing people hate the most about dieting…hunger.

Food cravings are the number one reason people quit their diets.2 They cause 40% of dieters to quit within the first week.… Read More

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Researchers Discover How to Lose Weight and Build Muscle Fast

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, Fitness and Exercise, Weight Loss

Many of us would love to lose a few quick pounds. But the problem with most crash diets is that you lose muscle along with the fat.

The problem is having muscle burns calories… So you don’t want less of it. And losing muscle also makes you feel weaker. This makes you less likely to exercise. All of this means your weight loss comes to a screeching halt.… Read More

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The 5 Foods You Need for Easy Weight Loss

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, Weight Loss

Researchers have found that certain foods can help you lose weight without dieting. They promote fat burning, build lean muscle, boost your metabolism, and suppress your appetite.

Don’t get me wrong. They are not “miracle” weight loss secrets. But they contain nutrients that can help you drop pounds while making you feel full. This way you can avoid the biggest diet pitfall of all…snacks.… Read More

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5 Reasons It’s Harder to Lose Weight Than Ever

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, Weight Loss

Americans are heavier than ever. More than two-thirds of us are overweight. But it’s not all our fault.

A study reveals that our parents had it easier than we do when it comes to staying slim.

Researchers at York University and the University of Alberta collected data on tens of thousands of American adults over a 37-year span. They examined body mass indexes, physical activity, and food intake.… Read More

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Surprising Weight Loss Booster: Chocolate

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, Weight Loss

What if I told you the secret to successful weight loss was to eat more chocolate? No, this isn’t one of those too-good-to-be-true scenarios.

The main ingredient in chocolate is cacao powder. It’s rich in theobromine—a little-known compound that allows you to lose weight without feeling tired, grumpy, and hungry all the time.

Research out of the Netherlands found it combats mental fogginess, a common complaint of dieters.… Read More

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How to Gain Fat and Lose Weight at the Same Time

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, Weight Loss

There are fats you want to avoid eating… Like brain-draining trans fats. Then there are good fats that improve your health… Like avocado oil. The same goes for the fats on your body.

White adipose tissue (WAT) is the unhealthy kind. Your body stores it when you eat more calories than you burn. Too much can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions.… Read More