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Dr. Eliaz: Balance the Scales of Digestion and Weight Control

In All Health Watch, Anti-Aging, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article

By Dr. Isaac Eliaz

People don’t become obese overnight. It’s an incremental process—a pound here, a pound there. Still, at such a rate, it may only take a few years before we’re 30…40…even 50 pounds heavier than our ideal weight.

Even though the process is gradual, we can still see it happening. Clothing that once fit perfectly is now in the Goodwill bag.… Read More

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The Best Time to Exercise to Lose Weight

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, Fitness and Exercise, Weight Loss

Whether it’s walking, running, biking, or lifting weights, everybody knows that exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight. But does the time of day you work out make a difference.

In a fascinating study, Belgian researchers set out to answer that question. They had 27 men gorge themselves for six weeks. Every day they ate 30% more calories and 50% more fat than normal.… Read More

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Before You Have Weight-Loss Surgery, Do This

In All Health Watch, Diabetes, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, Weight Loss

A group of 45 medical societies is calling for bariatric surgery to become a standard treatment for diabetes.1

Until now, this procedure was a last resort for weight loss. It involves stapling, binding, or removing part of the stomach. It costs an average of $14,500 and insurance usually doesn’t cover it.2

About 17% of patients have complications. These include nutrient deficiencies, infections, internal bleeding, and intestinal blockages.… Read More

How The Biggest Loser’s Weight-Loss Disaster Can Help You Stay Thin for Life

In INH Newsletter

In your July issue of Independent Healing, you’ll discover the weight-loss secret most doctors don’t know: Losing weight is more about brain chemistry than hours spent in the gym or restrictive diets. That’s because there’s a hormone that determines how hungry you get and how fast your metabolism works. If you can’t control it, you may still lose weight… But you’ll always struggle to keep it off.… Read More
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Beer Ingredient Fights Weight Gain, Blood Sugar, Cholesterol

In All Health Watch, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, Heart and Cardiovascular, Weight Loss

Move over red wine. Research has found that an ingredient in beer has surprising health benefits.

A new study at Oregon State University found that a natural substance in hops lowers cholesterol, controls blood sugar, and reduces weight gain.1

Xanthohumol (XN) is a natural flavonoid found only in hops. Hops are the flowers of a perennial vine native to Europe.… Read More