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Protein Powder for Muscle Gain: Timing Is Everything

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, Fitness and Exercise

Protein powder was once used mainly by bodybuilders. But now it has gone mainstream. 

It’s often used by seniors who want to maintain or add weight to avoid becoming thin and frail.  

Protein supplements are also used by people who don’t necessarily want to get heavier, but want to add muscle. 

Which of these goals you have should determine the time of day you take your protein powder, according to a Purdue University study.Read More

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Artificial Sweeteners Damage Blood Vessels

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, Heart and Cardiovascular

By now, most health-conscious people know that zero-calorie artificial sweeteners are useless for weight loss. In fact, they actually make you gain weight. 

But researchers also have found that they are dangerous to your health in another way that may surprise you… 

They damage your blood vessels.i 

A study from Marquette University is the most in-depth look ever at the biochemical changes caused by artificial sweeteners.Read More

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The “Bad” Habit That Helps You Live Past 90

In All Health Watch, Anti-Aging, Diet and Nutrition, Longevity

If you enjoy a couple drinks at the end of your day, here’s good news… 

A major long-term study has found that drinking two beers or glasses of wine daily increases longevity. 

Researchers from the University of California have been closely following the health of over 1,600 elderly people since 2003. It’s part of a research effort known as the “90+ Study.”Read More

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Vitamin Deficiency Linked to Belly Fat, Study Finds

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, General Health, Weight Loss

Nobody likes belly fat. Many of us have tried in vain for years to get rid of it. 

We exercise. We diet. But the stubborn belly fat won’t go away.  

And it’s about far more than vanity.  

The midsection is the unhealthiest place to carry extra weight. Belly fat is linked to heart disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and other serious health conditions.Read More

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The Deadly Mistake Heart Patients Make

In All Health Watch, Fitness and Exercise, Heart and Cardiovascular, Heart Attacks

After recovering from a heart attack, many people want to take it easy.  

Understandably, they are afraid to exert themselves for fear they could have another heart attack. 

So they rest. 

And if they do work out, they go easy. 

A major study shows that this is not only the wrong strategy, it could be a deadly one. 

Swedish researchers analyzed the link between physical activity and death rates after a heart attack. Read More

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The Natural Solution to an Embarrassing Health Problem

In All Health Watch, Fitness and Exercise, Women's Health

The physical and mental benefits of yoga are well documented. It can help you increase your strength and flexibility, lower your risk of heart disease, and ease anxiety and depression.i ii 

A study shows it also fights perhaps the single most embarrassing health condition in women. 

Urinary incontinence strikes 20 million American women. It can be a devastating problem. Women may have to wear adult diapers to avoid leakage.Read More