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A Better Way to Treat Shoulder Pain 

In All Health Watch, Arthritis, Fitness and Exercise, General Health

Shoulder pain is one of the biggest health complaints among older people. Each year, more than more than 200,000 Americans have surgery to treat it. 

The most common shoulder procedure is called “decompression.” It is supposed to cure or improve “impingement.” This is what doctors call pain and restricted range of movement in the shoulder.i 

During the operation, the surgeon threads an arthroscope through a small incision to repair or remove damaged tissue.Read More

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This Natural Vegetable Extract Builds Muscle So Fast That It Is Banned in Athletes 

In All Health Watch, Fitness and Exercise, General Health


Maybe Popeye was onto something… 

A spinach extract is so powerful in building muscles that it has been banned in athletic competitions. Russian athletes have reportedly been secretly taking it for decades.i 

The World Anti-Doping Agency recently banned ecdysterone from international athletic competitions. They say it gives athletes an unfair advantage.ii 

But unlike other banned substances, ecdysterone isn’t a drug.Read More

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The Surprising Reason Arthritis Patients Suffer Heart Attacks 

In All Health Watch, Anti-Aging, Arthritis, Heart and Cardiovascular, Longevity

For decades, doctors have known that people with arthritis are more likely to suffer heart attacks and heart failure. 

Their risk for heart disease is 23% higher than the general population. Their risk for heart failure is 42% greater. And they face a significantly higher chance of having a stroke, too.i 

But a major study shows that it’s not arthritis that is causing the heightened risk.Read More

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The Natural Weapon Against Leaky Gut 

In All Health Watch, Anti-Aging, Diet and Nutrition, General Health, Gut Health, Heart and Cardiovascular, Longevity, Weight Loss

“Leaky gut” sounds bad. And it is. 

It’s an inflammatory condition that weakens the lining of your stomach. This means undigested food particles leak from your intestines into your bloodstream.i 

That causes an immune response. The symptoms can include irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, eczema, chronic fatigue, food allergies, arthritis, and more. Many people suffer from these problems without ever knowing that the root cause of their symptoms is a leaky gut.Read More

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The 16-8 Diet: Easy and Effective 

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, Weight Loss, Women's Health

The perfect weight-loss diet does four things… 

  1. It is easy to follow.
  2. It doesn’t make you give up foods you love.
  3. It doesn’t cause you to suffer from hunger. 
  4. And, of course, it helps you lose weight. 

Researchers have found that one eating plan may be all these things and more. 

Is This the Perfect Way to Lose Weight? 

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago gathered 23 obese volunteers.Read More

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Sugar Is Poison… This May Be the Antidote. 

In All Health Watch, Anti-Aging, Diabetes, Diet and Nutrition, General Health, Gut Health

 Sugar Is Poison… This May Be the Antidote. 

Groundbreaking studies of an ancient Indian herb bring great news for people who can’t control their sugar cravings… 

Researchers have found that this natural remedy helps control blood sugar, increases natural insulin production, and even fights belly fat.i 

It could be a godsend for people with diabetes. And it may help Americans end their addiction to sugar.Read More