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Sleep This Way to Relieve Chronic Pain

In All Health Watch, Sleep Health

Chronic pain is the number one cause of disability in the U.S. It affects more than 50 million Americans.i ii 

The worst part? 

Mainstream doctors have no good solutions. For decades, their first-line treatment for severe pain was opioid medication.  

We all know how that turned out… 

More than 2 million Americans are now opioid addicts. There are an average of 115 overdose deaths every day.Read More

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Low-Carb Holiday Drinks You’ll Love

In All Health Watch, General Health

The holiday season is all about eating, drinking, and being merry. But if you struggle with weight issues, you know what the drill is… 

You have to use your willpower to keep carbs to a minimum. And during the holidays, many of us consume a lot of carbohydrates through alcoholic drinks. 

But there are low-carb drink choices that are delicious and festive.Read More

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This One Food Ingredient Boosts Memory

In All Health Watch, Cancer, Diet and Nutrition, Gut Health

Chronic inflammation is the enemy of your body and your brain. 

Scientists have come to see inflammation as the common factor behind some of the worst diseases plaguing mankind, including Alzheimer’s.i 

But now a study shows that certain foods fight brain inflammation and the age-related memory problems that come with it.ii 

Research from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has found that high-fiber foods help slow brain aging.Read More

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It’s in the Air…and It’s Damaging Your Heart

In All Health Watch, General Health, Heart and Cardiovascular

You may have read the news stories about cities in India and China that have air pollution so thick that people have to stay inside their homes to avoid getting sick.i 

Anyone who has visited Los Angeles can tell you that the U.S. has its own air pollution problems.  

You may figure you’re not being harmed by air pollution if you don’t live a big city with smog. Read More

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One Food Cuts Blood Sugar More than the Leading Diabetes Drug

In All Health Watch, General Health, Gut Health, Sugar Challenge

If you walk into your doctor’s office and are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, chances are you’ll walk out with prescription for metformin.  

It is the nation’s leading diabetes drug treatment. It has been prescribed to 120 million people worldwide. It lowers blood sugar by an average of 25%.i ii 

But a fascinating study shows there’s a simple way to reduce blood sugar even more than metformin can.Read More

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Ate Too Much on Thanksgiving? Here’s Good News 

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, General Health, Gut Health

Ate Too Much on Thanksgiving? Here’s Good News 

If you want to live a long life, you should worry less about your weight and more about staying active.  

That’s the message of a major new study that found that exercise is far more important for longevity than losing weight.i 

We’ve been told over and over that maintaining a healthy weight is crucial to living a long life.Read More