One Type of Blood Pressure Drug Raises Cancer Risk

In All Health Watch, Cancer, General Health

Millions of Americans take angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors to lower their blood pressure.

The drugs include lisinopril, benazepril, enalapril, ramipril, and perindopril.

They work by causing the muscles around blood vessels to relax. This allows them to open wider, reducing hypertension.[1]

But a major study shows that these medications raise the risk of one of the most feared and deadly diseases in America by nearly a third.… Read More

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The Crucial Vital Sign Most Doctors Miss

In All Health Watch, Blood Pressure, Featured Article, Fitness and Exercise, Heart and Cardiovascular

Americans visit the doctor an average of three times a year. And during each visit, the doctor or a nurse typically takes vital signs. 

There are four standard vital signs: 

  1. Pulse rate 
  2. Respiration rate 
  3. Blood pressure  
  4. Body temperature. 

But new research makes the case that there should be a fifth. 

The Vital Sign Your Doctor Should Check, But Doesn’t 

A review of more than 140 recent studies looked at the relationship between muscle mass and overall health.Read More

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Your Teeth May Be the Hidden Cause of Your High Blood Pressure

In All Health Watch, Blood Pressure, Featured Article, Heart and Cardiovascular

If you walk into your doctor’s office and your blood pressure is high, chances are you’ll be told to eat less salt. And if your reading is higher than 130/80, it’s likely you’ll be prescribed a blood pressure drug. 

But a surprising study shows that hypertension in many people may be caused by a common dental problem. And in these patients, eating less salt and taking blood pressure drugs don’t work.Read More

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It’s Secretly Sabotaging Your Blood Sugar

In All Health Watch, Diabetes, General Health

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced recently that more Americans than ever have blood sugar issues.

More than half of American adults have type 2 diabetes or prediabetes.

It’s a full-blown epidemic.  


Since the 1950s, the incidence of diabetes has soared by more than 900% in the U.S.

If you have blood sugar issues, your doctor has likely advised you that obesity causes diabetes and that you should lose weight. Read More

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This Simple Eating Trick Speeds Metabolism

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, General Health, Gut Health

Lots of people exercise hungry. They figure that if their stomach is empty while they work out, their body will start to burn fat and they’ll lose weight. 

So they wait until after they exercise to eat. 

A recent study shows this strategy is a mistake. 

Several colleges in the U.K. conducted research into the effects of eating in the morning before exercising.Read More