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This Food Is So Nutritious that Researchers Say It Is a “Natural Multivitamin”

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, General Health

One type of tree nut is packed with key micronutrients that most seniors lack.

That’s the finding of new research at Oregon State University. One of the study authors said the nut is so nutritious that eating it is like taking “a multivitamin in a natural form.”

Researchers found eating hazelnuts raised seniors’ levels of two important nutrients…magnesium and vitamin E.[1]… Read More

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The Surprising Natural Bone Strength Booster

In All Health Watch, Arthritis, Featured Article, Fitness and Exercise

Probiotics have long been used to improve digestion. These “good” bacteria are a crucial part of your intestinal health.

But recent studies have shown that probiotics have effects that go far beyond the gut. There is clear evidence they boost immunity, improve mental health, help people lose weight, fight diabetes, and even relieve allergies.

A recent study shows another surprising benefit that you might never associate with probiotics.… Read More

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The Best Exercise for Heart Health Is Not What You Think

In All Health Watch, Fitness and Exercise, General Health, Weight Loss

When it comes to heart health, mainstream doctors recommend one form of exercise above all others: cardio.

It’s why so many people spend long hours jogging, biking, or using various cardio exercise machines.

But a surprising study shows that another type of workout brings major heart benefits in a fraction of the time.

Lifting weights for less than 10 minutes a day cuts your risk of heart attack and stroke by up to 70%.… Read More

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Coffee Fights Diabetes, Study Finds

In All Health Watch, Diabetes, Diet and Nutrition, General Health

If you’re struggling with type 2 diabetes, your doctor is not likely to recommend is that you drink more coffee.

But a major study suggests he should. The research found strong evidence that coffee reduces blood sugar.

The study was presented at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes. Many of the world’s top diabetes experts gather at this annual conference.[1]… Read More

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One Crucial Nutrient Can Keep You Out of the Nursing Home

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, General Health

As we get older, the ability to live independently becomes precious.

We want to continue to live in our own home.

We want to be able to drive and remain mobile for as long as possible.

And we want to remain physically capable of doing the things we love.

A major study shows there’s one nutrient that can preserve your ability to live independently and stay out of assisted living.… Read More

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EXPOSED: Mainstream Medicine’s Big Fat Lie

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, General Health, Heart and Cardiovascular

When you eat fat, you get fat. For decades, mainstream doctors told us it was that simple.

All we had to do to lose weight and prevent heart disease was to go on a low-fat diet, they said. Dairy, they warned, was particularly harmful.

Two major studies add to the growing evidence that this advice is complete bunk.

The first found that dairy is actually linked to lower rates of heart disease, stroke, and death from any cause.… Read More