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Common Food Additives Trigger Anxiety

In All Health Watch, General Health, Gut Health

Common Food Additives Trigger Anxiety

Have you ever felt tense without knowing why?

It wasn’t that you were under some kind of stress. Or were worried about the pandemic or something else.

For some unknown reason, you just felt anxious.

A new study may explain why.

Feeling Anxious? It Might Be Something You Ate

Emulsifiers are processed food additives. They are used to make foods more appealing in various ways.… Read More

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One Type of Food Prevents America’s Biggest Killers

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, General Health, Heart Disease

Heart disease and cancer are the two biggest killers in America. They cause nearly half of all deaths in the U.S.

But a major study shows that one type of food dramatically cuts the risk of both lethal conditions while also protecting against other major killers such as stroke and diabetes.

The meta-analysis was published in the journal The Lancet.

The research team looked at over 40 years of research.… Read More

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Feeling Lazy Today? This May Be Your Problem

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, Fitness and Exercise

Did you ever have one of those days when you just didn’t feel like moving?

It’s not that you were sick…or didn’t get enough sleep…or were depressed.

But for some reason you just couldn’t get motivated.

A study found that a common food additive may be to blame for your lack of get-up-and-go.

The research was conducted at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.… Read More

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5 Food Ingredients Banned in Europe But Not the U.S.

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, General Health, Gut Health

As Americans, we might be wary about eating certain foods when we travel abroad. We tend to think of our food supply as being safe compared to other countries.

The truth is, the U.S. has less stringent food-safety rules than many other parts of the world—especially Europe. EU countries tend to hold food manufacturers to a higher standard than the U.S.… Read More