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One Satisfying Snack Fights Breast Cancer

In All Health Watch, Breast Cancer, Cancer, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article

Regular Health Watch readers know that tree nuts are a true superfood. We’ve told you about studies showing they fight weight gain, diabetes, brain aging, and more.

Now, research shows that walnuts may provide another, perhaps even more important, health benefit…

They suppress cancer.

The study is out of Marshall University. It is based on previous research that eating walnuts lowers breast cancer risk and slows its growth.… Read More

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One Supplement Eases Painful Leg Condition

In All Health Watch, Featured Article, Pain Relief

Peripheral artery disease can make your life miserable.

Every time you move, your legs hurt.

But that’s just the beginning…

Because of the pain, you become sedentary. So you gain weight and lose muscle. Your risk for a heart attack or a stroke increases.

If you’re a man, you suffer erectile dysfunction.

In severe cases, it can lead to chronic leg sores and, eventually, amputation.[1]… Read More

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Not All Green Tea Is Created Equal

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article

Green tea has long been linked to a wide range of health benefits.

Studies have shown it fights arthritis, prevents cancer, reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s, eases anxiety, and more.

Now a study shows that this ancient Asian health elixir may be a dieter’s best friend.

It was published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. Scientists examined green tea’s effects on obesity.[i]… Read More

The Satisfying Snack that Helps Diabetics Live Longer

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, General Health

The Satisfying Snack that Helps Diabetics Live Longer

Diabetes is an epidemic in the U.S.

More than a third of the population now has the blood sugar disease or its precursor, prediabetes. That’s more than 114 million Americans.

Diabetes is now the third leading cause of death in the U.S., behind only heart disease and cancer.[1]

What most people don’t realize is that diabetes itself isn’t what usually kills diabetics.… Read More

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Protect Yourself from Falls with This Ancient Chinese Solution  

In All Health Watch, Fitness and Exercise, General Health

Protect Yourself from Falls with This Ancient Chinese Solution 

Every 11 seconds an American over 65 is treated in an emergency room for a fall.

Every 19 minutes, a senior dies from a fall.

Although cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s get more attention, falling is a major killer of older people. Falls are the number one cause of fatal injury in the U.S.[1]… Read More

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The Chinese Secret to Breast Cancer Prevention

In All Health Watch, Breast Cancer, Featured Article, General Health, Health Warning

Breast cancer is one of the most feared diseases in the U.S.[1]

We have pink ribbon campaigns, “runs for the cure,” and screening awareness programs to fight it.

In China, they have none of this. That’s because breast cancer isn’t nearly the threat that it is in America.

The death rate from breast cancer in China is 5.76 per 100,000 residents.… Read More