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Vegetables: The Unknown Health Benefit

In All Health Watch, General Health

Ever since you were a little kid, you have been told to…

Eat your vegetables!

And even though you may have scoffed at the sight of vegetables during your younger years, today you know that eating vegetables is one of the best things you can do for your overall health.

Most veggies are low in calories, and packed with vitamins and nutrients – making them an ideal food to help maintain a healthy weight.… Read More

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Constantly Snoring? How It Could Turn DEADLY

In All Health Watch, General Health

You may not like to admit it, but we’ve all been guilty of SNORING

Especially when you’re in a deep sleep.

Most of the time, a firm elbow or nudge from your spouse is all it takes to get you to pipe down and stop the sound of sawing logs in your sleep.

But, for millions of Americans, snoring goes way beyond the occasional ‘annoyance’ …

It’s constant… it’s relentless… and it could be a sign of a potentially DEADLY condition.… Read More

Exposing OTC Painkillers (A New Surprising Study)

In INH Newsletter

Uncover the latest research how these painkillers:  

  • Disrupt your natural immune response 
  • Can cause alarming side effects  
  • Raise your risk of serious infectious disease 

Plus, discover the natural “rainforest super fruit” that eliminates pain… and more. 

If you frequently turn to over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers to ease your aches and pains… I have some bad news. 

Sure, they are convenient, easy-to-find, and probably give you a temporary relief… (And yes, in some situations, they are necessary.)Read More

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Wine with Dinner Cut Diabetes Risk

In All Health Watch, Diabetes, Diet and Nutrition, General Health

People with blood sugar issues are often advised to stay away from alcohol. But a major new study shows that a glass of wine with dinner actually reduces diabetes risk.[1]

Researchers at Tulane University analyzed 11 years of health data for 312,400 current drinkers. The scientists found that wine—in moderation with meals—cuts your chances of developing diabetes by 14%.[2]

The benefits do not extend to beer or hard liquor.… Read More

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People Who Skip Breakfast Are 87% More Likely to Die of Heart Disease

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, General Health, Heart and Cardiovascular

You’ve heard it before…

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”

Eating breakfast is linked to lower body weight, better cognitive performance, and healthier blood sugar levels.[i]

But it turns out that an early meal has an even more important benefit.[ii]

A new study shows that people who skip breakfast have a much higher risk of dying of heart disease.[iii]… Read More

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The Best Exercise for High Blood Pressure Is Not What You Think

In All Health Watch, Blood Pressure, Featured Article, Fitness and Exercise, Heart and Cardiovascular

Exercise has long been one of the go-to natural remedies for high blood pressure. Typically, people with hypertension are told to do cardio…the more, the better.

The problem is that the results are usually modest. You might get a couple of points lower.

Some people don’t get any drop at all.

Now, researchers have an exercise that works far better than cardio to control hypertension.… Read More