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Snoring: A DEADLY Warning Sign?

In All Health Watch, General Health

You may not like to admit it, but we’ve all been guilty of SNORING

Especially when you’re in a deep sleep.

Most of the time, a firm elbow or nudge from your spouse is all it takes to get you to pipe down and stop the sound of sawing logs in your sleep.

But, for millions of Americans, snoring goes way beyond the occasional ‘annoyance’ …

It’s constant… it’s relentless… and it could be a sign of a potentially DEADLY condition.… Read More

7 Steps to Cut Your Risk of Alzheimer’s by 50% (Study)

In All Health Watch, General Health

There’s no cure for Alzheimer’s disease. But that hasn’t stopped drug companies from promising the public they are on the cusp of a miracle drug that will suddenly cure this life-shattering disease.

Last June, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of the experimental drug, aducanumab for early phases of Alzheimer’s disease – the first time FDA-approved therapy since 2003.… Read More

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[RECALL ALERT] Big Pharma Giant SHELVES Top BP Drugs

In All Health Watch, General Health

If you or a loved one is taking medication to manage high blood pressure, there’s urgent news I need to share with you…

One of the world’s top pharmaceutical companies has issued a massive recall of some of their blood pressure medications.

The reason? They contain a potential CANCER-causing agent!

Here’s everything you need to know about this unsettling recall, and the steps you need to take if you are on any of the medications listed.… Read More

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The ‘Iron-Clad’ Secret to LESS Belly Fat?

In All Health Watch, General Health

Summer is in full swing… and that means you may find yourself trying to squeeze into clothes that felt a tad ‘roomier’ last summer.

And if you’re looking to drop a few pounds, you may be tempted to start upping the amount of cardio you’re doing in hopes of SWEATING out those extra pounds…

And sure, cardiovascular exercises like jogging or bike riding are good for your overall health…

But doing hours of cardio isn’t the only – or most effective – way to lose some weight and KEEP IT OFF.… Read More

TOXIC Ingredients in Your Sunscreen?

In INH Newsletter

And the simple steps for safe exposure —without sacrificing time in the sun!


  • The summer staple that causes cancer 
  • The harmful ingredients to look for 
  • Safe, natural, and effective alternatives  

… and more. 

There are a few essentials that we all reach for when summer rolls around. 

One item at the top of this list is sunscreen. 

After all, the mainstream will have you believing that lathering up is one of the best ways to keep your skin healthy, smooth, and protected from skin cancer (while not feeling guilty about having a little fun in the sun). Read More