Household Spice Activates Weight Loss

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, Weight Loss

Could a common household ingredient help you to cut fat production? And lose weight?

It can according to Professor Jong Won Yun. He directs research at South Korea’s prestigious Daegu University. And he’s spent the last 20 years specializing in obesity research.

He’s just published the results of his latest study. His results show that this all-natural ingredient combats obesity… and explains – for the first time – the mechanics behind it.… Read More

FDA Decision May Double Weight Loss Surgeries

In Featured Article, Health Warning

More people may soon be losing weight through surgery. That’s because the FDA is reviewing a study by Allergan. Allergan is a pharmaceutical company that hopes to increase the number of people who qualify for surgery.

The FDA is already responding favorably to the study. It just issued a press release saying the surgery offers “statistically significant decreases in weight loss.”… Read More

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Predict a HEART ATTACK… With Your Phone? (Wow!)

In All Health Watch, Featured Article, General Health

When it comes to maintaining optimal heart health, it seems like mainstream medicine is quick to point out plenty of ‘problems’ – but very few SOLUTIONS.

In fact, ask most doctors and they’ll probably tell you outside of taking prescription drugs, the only ‘natural’ ways to prevent a heart attack are to:

  1. exercise for HOURS…
  2. or, consistently eat boring, bland foods.
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