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How Chocolate Boosts Heart Health

In All Health Watch, Anti-Aging, Featured Article, General Health, Heart and Cardiovascular, Longevity

A new Harvard study has found that eating chocolate helps prevent atrial fibrillation (AF). This is a common—and dangerous—condition in which the heart beats irregularly.

A quarter of Americans will develop AF at some point in their lives. It can lead to a heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and blood clots.

Researchers tracked more than 55,000 people for over 13 years.… Read More

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Seniors Without Heart Disease Shouldn’t Take Statins, Study Finds

In All Health Watch, Big Pharma, Cholesterol, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, General Health, Health Warning, Heart and Cardiovascular, Heart Attacks, Heart Disease, Longevity

Big Pharma pushes statins like candy at Halloween. And the older you get, the more likely it is your doctor will try to get you to take one of these cholesterol medications.

Nearly half of American seniors take a statin. Now, a new study has found that they do more harm than good in most people over 65.1

The data show that, if anything, the drugs increase the risk of death from a heart attack.… Read More

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Just One Day on Ibuprofen Increases Your Chance of a Heart Attack

In All Health Watch, Big Pharma, Featured Article, Health Warning, Heart and Cardiovascular, Heart Attacks

Big Pharma tells us they are “safe, fast, and effective” for relieving temporary aches and fever. They encourage you to take them for everything from headaches and muscle pain to menstrual cramps and arthritis.

But we’ve warned you in the past that ibuprofen and naproxen can lead to heart attacks… Now a major new study shows they are even more dangerous than we thought.… Read More

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Stop Cancer and Heart Disease on Your Way to Work

In All Health Watch, Cancer, Featured Article, Fitness and Exercise, Health Warning, Heart and Cardiovascular, Heart Disease

You can dramatically cut your risk of cancer and heart disease on the way to work.

That’s the message of a major new study out of the UK. Researchers at the University of Glasgow followed 150,000 workers for five years. The scientists found that one commuting habit was literally the difference between life and death.

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One Fruit Stops Metabolic Syndrome, Study Finds

In All Health Watch, Anti-Aging, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, Heart and Cardiovascular, Heart Attacks, Heart Disease, Weight Loss

More than a third of Americans suffer from metabolic syndrome. The deadly condition increases your risk of heart disease fourfold. And it makes you 30 times more likely to develop diabetes.1

Metabolic syndrome is characterized by five risk factors: high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high levels of triglycerides, low levels of HDL (“good”) cholesterol, and belly fat. If you have three or more of these symptoms, you likely have metabolic syndrome.… Read More

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Yoga Is Better Than Cardio for Lowering Blood Pressure

In All Health Watch, Blood Pressure, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, Heart and Cardiovascular, Longevity

Doctors often tell patients with high blood pressure to exercise more.

And they usually recommend an aerobic workout. The Mayo Clinic advises that the best types of exercise to lower blood pressure include jogging, bicycling, swimming, and dancing.1

A new study shows that another form of exercise works better.

Researchers at the Sir Gangaram Hospital in Delhi, India, studied 60 people with prehypertension.… Read More