Do you know the three leading causes of death in the U.S.?
The top two are easy. They are heart disease and cancer.
But what about the third one?
… Read MoreDo you know the three leading causes of death in the U.S.?
The top two are easy. They are heart disease and cancer.
But what about the third one?
… Read MoreThe first advice mainstream doctors often give to heart disease patients is to lose weight.
On some level, this makes sense. The lower your body weight, the easier it is for your heart to pump blood through it.
But a major new study shows that losing weight does NOT help heart patients live longer. In fact, for some of them, it actually increases the risk of death.… Read More
The number of people taking statin medications has soared by 50% in just the last 15 years. Today, nearly a third of Americans over 40 are taking one or more of these cholesterol-lowering drugs.1
What effect has that had on reducing cardiovascular disease in America?
… Read MoreIf you have high blood pressure and take medication for it, you should have two goals.
One is, of course, to lower your blood pressure.
The second is to do it consistently.
… Read MoreWhen a new drug hits the market, doctors are often eager to prescribe it even if it doesn’t work any better than older medications.
That’s because they are influenced by Big Pharma’s marketing tactics. Drug reps flood doctors’ offices with freebies. They offer free meals, merchandise, or even cash in the form of “consulting fees.”
Big Pharma pushes new drugs because they are more expensive than older medications…and far more profitable.… Read More
Middle-age people and seniors are often told not to drink water at bedtime. That way they can avoid disrupting their sleep with nighttime trips to the bathroom.
Men with an enlarged prostate often have problems with frequent nighttime urination. Avoiding drinking anything in the evening is a way to combat it.
But researchers have found that this advice can backfire. Going to bed thirsty can cause something far worse than annoying bathroom visits.… Read More