For years, endurance athletes have looked for ways to deliver more oxygen to their muscles. They’ve also searched for ways to get their muscles to use oxygen more efficiently. Some cyclists have even resorted to blood “doping” to increase the blood’s ability to carry oxygen.
… Read MoreDetox and Fight Disease with Ruby Red Strawberries
An apple a day keeps the doctor away… and so will a handful of strawberries.
Strawberries are well known for their array of antioxidants. They are also rich in folate, potassium and vitamin C. And they are an excellent source of the powerful anti-cancer nutrient, ellagic acid.
… Read MoreSunscreen: Snake Oil of the 21st Century
Summer is here. It’s a time to get outside and have some fun. It’s also a time when millions of people slather (or spray) on the sunscreen. After all, it’s supposed to prevent skin cancer. At least that’s what dermatologists and the skincare industry tells us.
… Read MoreScientific Sleight of Hand: Two Ways Big Pharma Lies to You
A little over 30 years ago, Henry Gadsden was the CEO of Merck Pharmaceuticals. And he was distressed that his products were limited to sick people. He wanted to expand the market. In fact, he wished Merck could become more like “Wrigley’s chewing gum.” He openly dreamed of making drugs for healthy people. That way, Merck could “sell to everyone.”
… Read MoreFight Cancer and Beat Heart Disease with this Powerful Healing Beverage
Millions of people turn to chocolate for instant stress relief. And the research shows that its stress-melting power is real. In fact, chocolate contains several mood-enhancing compounds.
The “feel-good” neurotransmitter serotonin is one of them. So is the natural relaxant tryptophan. And scientists have also discovered compounds that mimic cannabinoids. These are the chemicals in marijuana that make users feel “high.”… Read More
How to Improve Your “Vitality Ratio” and Lower Blood Pressure Naturally
Most doctors will tell you that too much salt causes high blood pressure. They’ll tell you that it can increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. And the mainstream media loves to scare you into thinking that “salt” causes all sorts of health problems.
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