At more than $10 a pill, Viagra pulls in over $2 billion a year in sales. It’s a monster money-maker for Pfizer, but they aren’t the only ones in on the action.
… Read MoreOmega-3 Fatty Acids: The Most Important Thing You Can Do for Your Health
There are a lot of relatively small things that can make a huge impact on your health and reduce your overall risk for disease. Things like getting more sunlight… consuming more antioxidants in your diet… or cutting out the sugar and sticking to low-glycemic foods.
… Read MoreWhy Exercise Is NOT the Key to Weight Loss
In the last 20 years, the number of overweight children and adolescents has tripled. Adults have fared just as poorly. Currently more than two thirds – almost 70% – of Americans are considered overweight or obese.
… Read MoreHow to Dramatically Reduce Inflammation: A Primary Cause of Disease and Aging
Every time your body is injured – whether you scrape your knee on the pavement or the lining of your arteries becomes irritated – your immune system triggers an “inflammatory” response.
… Read MoreThis "Healthy" Drink Has a Whole Host of Health Problems
The government sure is milking the “mustache” gag. They’ve helped to promote dairy so much that “Got Milk” is now a national catch phrase. But why are they promoting milk so heavily? And is milk really that important to good health? The answers may surprise you.
… Read MoreWhy Blood Pressure Drugs Can Make the Problem Worse… and How to “Beet” this Common Condition with a Delicious Food
Most of us have heard one shocking story or another about the dangerous side effects of pharmaceutical drugs. But many people are not aware that some of these drugs can actually worsen or even cause the same disease they are designed to treat.
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