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Big Pharma Pushes Little Red Pill on Helpless Nursing Home Residents

In All Health Watch, Alzheimer's and Memory, Big Pharma, Health Warning

Big Pharma’s greed knows no bounds… They are raking in hundreds of millions of dollars targeting frail and elderly nursing home residents with a phony Alzheimer’s pill.1

And much of the profit comes straight from your tax dollars.

The pill is called Nuedexta. It is FDA approved to treat a rare disorder marked by sudden and uncontrollable laughing or crying.… Read More

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Can Pine Bark Save the NFL?

In All Health Watch, Alzheimer's and Memory, Cognitive Health, Dementia, Featured Article

The research is clear: Concussions early in life can cause dementia years later. The problem is so serious in the NFL that the league is spending over $700 million in court-ordered payments to retired football players suffering brain impairment.1

Some players have prematurely quit because of worries about dementia. And recently, even an announcer quit over the issue. ESPN analyst Ed Cunningham said he no longer wanted to promote a sport that causes brain damage.… Read More

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Artificial Sweeteners Make You Gain Weight, Study Finds

In All Health Watch, Cognitive Health, Diabetes, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, General Health

For years, we’ve been telling you that artificial sweeteners are one of the worst things you can put in your body. They have been linked to leukemia, bladder cancer, metabolic syndrome, impaired liver and kidney function, headaches, and diarrhea.

And if that wasn’t enough, a study in the journal Stroke found that people who drank diet soda were 89 times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease and 96 times more likely to have a stroke.… Read More