This Vitamin Restores Heart Health

In All Health Watch

A natural remedy can reverse heart damage caused by a wide range of medical conditions.

That’s the exciting finding of a new study that potentially shows a way to restore the cardiovascular health of the 85 million Americans who have heart disease or have suffered a stroke or heart attack.1

Researchers at Ohio University examined the effect of vitamin D3 on endothelial cells. These cells line the interior surface of all blood vessels. They are crucial to your heart because they secrete substances such as nitric oxide that promote and protect artery health.

When endothelial cells are damaged, it can lead to inflammation, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and other conditions associated with heart disease.2

The researchers pioneered a unique method of measuring vitamin D3’s impact. They inserted tiny nanosensors—about 1,000 times smaller in diameter than a strand of human hair—into endothelial cells.

‘We Don’t Have to Develop a New Drug… We Already Have It’

They found that vitamin D3 healed blood vessel cells on a molecular level. The nutrient stimulated cells to produce nitric oxide, which keeps arteries healthy and flexible. Vitamin D3 also reduced oxidative stress linked to heart failure and heart disease.

The researchers concluded: “D3 can significantly restore the damage to the cardiovascular system caused by several diseases, including hypertension, atherosclerosis, and diabetes, while also reducing the risk of heart attack.”3

Dr. Tadeusz Malinski is a professor of chemistry and biochemistry at Ohio University. He led the study.

“There are not many, if any, known systems which can be used to restore cardiovascular endothelial cells which are already damaged—and vitamin D3 can do it,” Dr. Malinski said.

“This is a very inexpensive solution to repair the cardiovascular system. We don’t have to develop a new drug. We already have it.”4

The research recently was published in the International Journal of Nanomedicine.

How to Raise Your Vitamin D Levels

If you suffer from heart problems, don’t delay. Get your vitamin D blood levels checked.

Previous studies have shown that low vitamin D can set you up for a heart attack or stroke.

The test is a simple blood draw. It’s called a 25 (OH) D test. Just about all doctors offer it.

Ideal levels are 40-60 ng/mL. If you are low, try to get 20 minutes a day of sunlight with arms and legs exposed.

Getting enough sun is not always possible in the winter. You can also raise your levels by eating foods high in vitamin D. Good sources include pasture-raised eggs and oily fish such as wild-caught salmon, sardines, herring, and mackerel.

A more reliable way to increase vitamin D is with a supplement. We recommend 5,000 IUs daily.

Make sure that you take the vitamin D3 form. It’s far more effective than D2, which is what most supplements are when they are labeled simply “vitamin D” without specifying the form.

A recent British study found that subjects given D3 supplement raised their D blood levels by 75%. Those given D2 had increases of only 34%.5

Editor’s Note: If you are worried about your heart, there’s another nutrient you should know about. It has been shown to lower cholesterol safer than a well-known prescription drug.

Discover all the details HERE.

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