Photo of juice.

The Hidden Reason You’re Putting on Weight

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, Weight Loss

You may figure that weight gain is an inevitable part of aging. But a major study has discovered that there may be a hidden culprit behind mid-life body fat.

And it has nothing to do with getting older.

Researchers at Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle followed the eating and drinking of habits of more than 49,000 post-menopausal women for five years. And they tracked their weights.[1]

After controlling for exercise, total calories consumed, and other variables, the scientists found that one dietary factor led to weight gain more than all others…

Drinking fruit juice.

Subjects who drank at least one small daily serving of fruit juice were more likely to put on weight as they got older. But participants who ate whole fruit instead of drinking juice were more likely to lose weight.

Fruit Juice Is Not Your Friend

Dr. Brandon Auerbach is a primary care doctor at Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle. He led the study. “For adults trying to lose weight, 100% fruit juice is not your friend,” he said.

Why is fruit juice so fattening compared to eating fruit? Dr. Auerbach says it’s because of the lack of fiber.

“In terms of weight gain, there’s a striking difference between fruit juice and whole fruit,” he said. “Fruit juice does have the same vitamins and minerals as whole fruit does. But it has hardly any fiber. The sugar in fruit juice gets absorbed very quickly, and we think that’s why it acts differently in the body.”

The study was published in the journal Preventive Medicine. It points out that “one 6-ounce serving of 100% fruit juice contains 15-30 grams of sugar.” That’s about 4-8 teaspoons.[2]

You’d probably never spoon 4 teaspoons of sugar into your mouth at breakfast. But that’s essentially what you’re doing when you drink a glass of orange juice.[3]

3 Healthy Juice Alternatives

We’ve warned you before about the sugar content of juice drinks. Many people think they are doing their health a favor by switching from soda to juice.

But a British study found that many juice drinks have even more sugar than soda. The researchers tested 203 fruit drinks. More than half had as much sugar in a 7-ounce serving as a 12-ounce can of soda.

Here are healthier alternatives to fruit juices:

Eat fruit, not the juice. That way you get the benefits of fiber. Fiber has been shown to fight weight gain.

Vegetable juice. Vegetable juices are rich in vitamins and antioxidants but are usually lower in sugar.

Lemon water. Simply squeeze lemon juice into a glass of water. It’s refreshing and has zero calories or sugar. A German study found that drinking lemon water first thing in the morning increases metabolic rates. This leads to greater calorie burning.[4] [5]

Don’t let fruit juice fool you.

It sounds like it should be healthy. But if you’re battling weight issues, you should stay away from it. Fruit juice could be the hidden reason that you’re struggling to get into better shape.

Editor’s Note: Have you gained weight during the pandemic? You’re not alone. Americans have packed on an average of two pounds a month during the coronavirus crisis, according to a recently study. Most will attempt to slim down by going on a diet. That’s the wrong strategy.

Read our monthly journal Independent Healing to discover a better way to lose weight. You don’t have go hungry, give up your favorite foods…and it works better than dieting. Go HERE to find out more.


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