The Heart Healthiest Way to Make Coffee

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, Heart and Cardiovascular, Heart Attacks, Heart Disease

For decades, coffee got a bad rap from mainstream doctors. It started with bad science…

A 1946 Johns Hopkins study found that people who drank lots of coffee had a 300% higher risk of heart disease.[1]

The research was nonsense.

The scientists didn’t control for smoking. Back in the day, many people smoked cigarettes with coffee. Subsequent studies discovered it was the smoking, not the coffee, that was causing heart disease in coffee drinkers.

Newer and better science shows that coffee is good for you in many ways. It’s linked to lower risks for Alzheimer’s, liver disease, stroke, and obesity.[2]

A study published in The Journal of Nutrition found that women aged 20 to 44 who drank two to three cups of coffee daily had 3.4% lower body fat compared to non-coffee drinkers.[3]

Women 45 to 69 who drank four or more cups had 4.1% lower body fat. Men who drank two or three cups had 1.8% less abdominal fat.

It didn’t matter if the coffee was caffeinated or non-caffeinated.

Recent research has discovered that filtered coffee—as opposed to espresso-style or French press coffee—is particularly good for your heart.

The study was published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. Researchers gathered medical data on 508,747 people over 20 years. The subjects reported how much coffee they drank and how they made it.

Filtered coffee drinkers had a 15% lower risk of death from any cause. Men had a 12% reduced risk of dying from heart disease and women had a 20% lower risk. People who drank one to four cups a day had the lowest mortality rate.

Unfiltered coffee did not confer the same benefits. In fact, it raised the risk of death from heart disease for men over age 60.

This may be because filters remove a type of molecule from the coffee called diterpenes.

Diterpenes are linked to heart disease. Scientists theorize they may also have a detrimental effect on blood sugar.

Recent research shows that filtered coffee also slashes diabetes risk.

A study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine showed that people who drank two to three cups of filtered coffee a day had a 60% lower chance of becoming diabetic. Those who drank unfiltered coffee did not get that benefit.[4]

Filterless coffee drinks are very popular now in the U.S.

Besides French press and espresso coffees, they include espresso-based drinks like cappuccinos and lattes. They also include Turkish and percolator coffees.

The Best Coffee for Your Heart

To maximize coffee’s heart benefits, drink drip, pour-over, or other kinds of filtered coffee.

Choose them over French press, espresso, Turkish, percolator, or other types that don’t use a filter.

Doctors wrongfully warned us for years that coffee was bad for our hearts. It turns out that the opposite is true. Filtered coffee may be one of the best natural ways to prevent cardiovascular disease.

Editor’s Note: Research shows the standard heart disease treatments—stents and statin drugs—don’t prevent heart attacks. Discover what does. Get the Heart Smart Protocol. It’s a simple, science-backed plan that prevents and treats America’s number-one killer naturally, without drugs or procedures. You’ll find it in our monthly journal, Independent Healing. Subscribe HERE.

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