Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) may affect up to 10% of the population. It can cause headaches, fatigue, and other debilitating symptoms.

Is Wi-Fi Radiation the Reason You Feel Lousy?

In All Health Watch, Cognitive Health, Featured Article, Health Warning

They are called “the undiagnosed.” These are people who go through life feeling lousy. Their doctors are unable to help them or explain the cause of their problems.1

They may suffer symptoms that match a wide range of illnesses, including dizziness, fatigue, nausea, insomnia, headaches, or heart palpitations.2

After going through tests that show nothing is wrong, these patients may be told “it’s all in your head.” And they may resign themselves to living in misery.

Medically unexplained symptoms are one of the most common problems in modern medicine. They account for 15-30% of primary care patients, according to a study published in the Oxford University Press.3

But now some scientists and doctors say they may have found an explanation for the growing numbers of these cases. It’s an allergy called “electromagnetic hypersensitivity” or EHS.

Sufferers say they have a physical reaction to electromagnetic radiation emitted by Wi-Fi, computers, cellphones, broadcast towers, and electrical power lines.4 Most of us are bathed in this type of radiation all day, every day.

Studies do not directly link electromagnetic radiation to illness. But there is much anecdotal evidence. In one of the most tragic cases, a teenage girl in England suddenly began suffering blinding headaches when her school added Wi-Fi. She eventually committed suicide.5

Many other people say they suffer from headaches, fatigue, and other symptoms that disappear when they are away from Wi-Fi stations, cellphones, and computer screens.

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For the most part, American doctors pooh-pooh EHS as a legitimate diagnosis. But EHS support groups have started to spring up. And health authorities outside the U.S. are taking action:6

  • The World Health Organization acknowledges EHS on its website, saying patients suffer “a variety of nonspecific symptoms.”7
  • In Canada, the government’s Standing Committee on Health last year recommended tougher safety codes to protect people from electromagnetic radiation.
  • France has banned Wi-Fi in daycare centers and nurseries that care for children under 3. Last year, French courts ruled that a 39-year-old woman could collect disability benefits because of her EHS.8
  • China, Russia, Italy, and Switzerland are imposing electromagnetic radiation exposure limits for their citizens.9

And in the U.S., one town has become a mecca for EHS sufferers. It is Green Bank, West Virginia, which has banned most forms of electromagnetic radiation.10

Up to 10% Might Suffer from EHS

France’s leading EHS researcher is Professor Dominique Belpomme. He calls EHS a “major health problem.” He estimates “between 1% and 10% of the population” are affected by electromagnetic radiation.11

If you suffer from undiagnosed medical issues and think you have may have EHS, keep a daily log of your symptoms for a week. Take your next vacation to a place without Wi-Fi. Also stay away from cellphones and computers. Continue logging your symptoms every day while you’re away. Then keep monitoring your symptoms for another week after your return.

If you find your symptoms decrease when you’re away from radio signals and increase when you return, you may have EHS.

A group called Citizens for Safe Technology offers an online EHS support group. Go there by clicking here.

In Good Health,

Angela Salerno
Executive Director, INH Health Watch

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