Chances are you’ve never heard of it.
It’s a simple fruit that’s been quietly used by Native Americans for hundreds of years as food and medicine.1
But it wasn’t until recently that this strange berry caught the attention of researchers because of its nutritional benefits.
Studies show it has all the antioxidant and nutrient power of a superfood. The cancer-fighting qualities of this berry makes other fruits pale in comparison, including tomatoes.
Tomatoes have always headed the list as the best source of lycopene. This potent cancer fighter reduces your risk for prostate, lung, and stomach cancer. It’s also thought to lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, fight free radicals, and protect your DNA.2
But researchers have found that this little fruit’s lycopene content is significantly “high in comparison to tomatoes and other commercially available fruit.”3
So what is this tiny fruit with big health benefits?
You can eat buffaloberry right off the vine. It tastes slightly tart and acidic raw. But when you dry the berry it has a texture similar to a raisin. Its flavor also mellows slightly.
Its shrubs can grow just about anywhere, even in poor soil or dry environments.4 This makes it easy to grow your own if you have enough space. Who knows? They may already grow in your neighborhood.
You can purchase the buffaloberry seeds online, but it may be easier to find a nearby farmer’s market that sells them. The good news is this means they have yet to be touched by Big Agra. So if you do find them, you’ll be eating the real thing. It may only be a matter of time before we start seeing GMO buffaloberry in produce aisles at supermarkets… Just look at what Big Agra did with the açaí berry.
If you want to get in on this potential superfruit, now is the time.
In Good Health,
Angela Salerno
Publisher, INH Health Watch
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