Do you love rocking out to loud music? Do you ride the subway? Go to big sporting events? Operate a leaf blower or chainsaw? Or perhaps dine in noisy restaurants?
These activities all share a common—but unexpected—danger…
Researchers at the University of Kentucky found that people regularly exposed to loud noise have twice the risk for heart disease.1
For younger people, the risks are even higher. Scientists found those under 50 hit with too much noise on a regular basis face a 400% greater heart risk.
How loud is too loud?
Researchers say anything over 75 decibels is likely harmful to hearing and the heart over the long term. You may be surprised at how many sounds exceed this level:2
- Busy street, 78-85 decibels
- Noisy restaurant, 85 decibels
- Subway, 90-115 decibels
- Large truck, from 20 feet away, 95-100 decibels
- Leaf blower, 110 decibels
- Chainsaw, 115-120 decibels
- Stadium football game, 117 decibels
- Rock concert, 110-120 decibels3
What’s the link between noise and heart damage? Relentless racket raises stress, blood pressure, bad cholesterol (LDL), and blood sugar. These are some of the main risk factors for heart disease and stroke.4,5
To lower your risk, combat loud noises with these simple but effective weapons:
- Wear ear plugs or noise-canceling headphones when operating loud machinery, including gas-powered lawn mowers, leaf blowers, and chainsaws.
- Ear buds concentrate sound. So turn down the volume on your iPod and other mobile devices when you have them in your ears.
- Use the 60-60 rule. Listen to music at no more than 60% of the volume for no more than 60 minutes a day.
- Roll up your car windows when you’re in loud traffic.
- After going to a loud event, such as a football game or concert, go into hearing detox. Spend at least 16 hours in a low-noise environment.
Protecting your ears is just one simple way to protect your heart. But it isn’t the only way.
There are also tests you can request at your next doctor’s visit to help you know if your heart’s at risk. But I’m not talking about blood pressure readings… About half of them are wrong.
Even the AHA admits more than half of men who die of heart disease show no symptoms. But it’s not because the symptoms weren’t there… Doctors just couldn’t find them.
Discover the little-known test that detects heart disease quicker than the ones used in every doctors’ office across the country… And how a natural “warrior extract” can treat it without causing dangerous side effects.
Get all the details HERE.
In Good Health,
Angela Salerno
Publisher, INH Health Watch
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