It’s one of the most popular—but overlooked—antioxidants you can get. And not just for its anti-aging benefits… Just a small amount of it may cut cancerous tumor size by 50%.

Natural Cancer Killer Cuts Tumor Size in Half

In All Health Watch, Cancer, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, Weight Loss

When it comes to fighting cancer naturally, there’s one weapon experts have overlooked. But not for much longer.

Researchers in the U.K. wanted to see how one popular antioxidant affected mice prone to bowel cancer. They already knew it was powerful cancer fighter. But they wanted to find out how different dosages of it affected tumor growth. The results blew them away…

One group of mice got a low dose. It was about the same amount you could get from your diet—with very little effort. Another group of mice got much more… Their dose was at least 200 times higher. Both groups saw major reductions in tumor size… Just not in the way you’d expect.

The team found the high-dose group shrank their tumors by 25%. Not bad… But the low-dose group had even better results. They cut the size of their tumors in half. In other words, they had double the anti-cancer effect of the high-dose group…with just a fraction of the dose.1

It proves how effective even small amounts of natural cancer solutions can be… But there’s even more to the story than that…

So, what was the tumor-shrinking antioxidant that shocked these researchers?

You already know that adding resveratrol is an easy way to boost energy levels. Getting more may also help you burn body fat. But it’s hard to imagine a more impressive benefit than protecting your body from cancer.

The researchers say it’s the first time they’ve seen evidence that less is more when it comes to resveratrol. After all, the low-dose mice got the resveratrol equivalent of what we can get from a large glass of red wine. But there are some important caveats to point out…

First, only mice eating a high-fat diet experienced the antitumor effect. The team didn’t say why… But it’s likely because healthy fats help your body absorb vitamins and nutrients. So if you want to experience the health benefits of resveratrol, don’t eat a low-fat diet.

Second, the study doesn’t prove red wine is the best way to get resveratrol from your diet… Dr. Julie Sharp is the head of health information at Cancer Research U.K. She says, “This research doesn’t mean having a glass of red wine will reduce your risk of cancer . . . You can’t separate the resveratrol from the alcohol. And the increase in cancer risk linked to alcohol outweighs any possible benefits of the resveratrol.”2

We don’t think enjoying a glass of red wine with dinner is a bad thing… But it shouldn’t be the only source of resveratrol in your diet. Eat foods like blueberries, cranberries, dark chocolate, and pistachios.

When you consider all the other health-boosting benefits of resveratrol… It’s not something you want to get the least amount of possible. But you don’t need to mega-dose it either. The solution? Find the best quality supplement available.

Try to use one that delivers 25 mg of resveratrol root extract. That’s about the equivalent mice in the high-dose group got in this study. Getting it in a complex that also includes an equal dose of pterostilbene—another potent antioxidant—may help make its effects even more powerful.

In Good Health,

Angela Salerno
Publisher, INH Health Watch

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