Health Watch readers know there are many factors that put your heart health at risk. And not just the obvious ones like smoking and being overweight. There are the heart drugs your doctor will try to prescribe to tame your blood pressure. Even the air we breathe could be putting this organ in direct danger.
But research shows there’s another factor at play… One you may not give a second thought to.
Researchers in Singapore looked at 501 adults between 18 and 40. Keep in mind, these are the people that are supposed to be at lower risk for heart problems like high blood pressure. The study looked at their blood pressure, BMI, height, physical activity levels, weight, and other lifestyle factors. And there’s one result that really stuck out.
One overlooked factor could be raising your hypertension risk by 6% every time you do it. It’s something we all indulge in from time to time. And most people have no idea just how unhealthy it is.
But doing it just twice a week may make you 12% more likely to develop high blood pressure.1 Which is scary enough. But about 40% of young adults in this study partook in this activity 12 times each week.2
Like some of these subjects, you could be doing it almost every night…and putting your heart in danger without knowing it.
We’re talking about eating away from home.
It sounds crazy at first. But going out to eat just once a week could be quietly setting you up for heart disease.
What’s behind this effect? It could be the use of worthless table salt. After all, most chefs are taught to be heavy-handed with their use of it. But there’s another ingredient to consider—one you’ll never be able to taste: monosodium glutamate (MSG).
It’s a flavor enhancer that sneaks its way into most processed foods. Studies show people who consume the most of it have higher blood pressure. And that’s regardless of other risk factors.3
Then there’s the sugar factor… It ends up in places you wouldn’t expect. This includes salad dressings and tomato sauce. A high-sugar diet alone could raise your blood pressure by over 70%.
Of course, we’re all going to enjoy a meal out with friends and family once in a while. But try to keep it in moderation. Finding out the specific ingredients in menu items can help you make healthier food choices. But don’t forget the natural ways to help tame your blood pressure.
Hibiscus tea can help lower your blood pressure by 20 points in a month. Eating blueberries just once a week may make you 10% less likely to have hypertension. And just 15 minutes of the right exercise can help lower your risk by 20%.
In Good Health,
Angela Salerno
Publisher, INH Health Watch
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