Stop Your Diabetes Pain with This Potent Vitamin

In All Health Watch, Diabetes, Featured Article

Painful flare-ups in your nerves are one of the hallmarks of diabetes. If you already have the disease, you know all too well.

So you may have heard about this recent study and thought it was good news. We actually have even better news…

Researchers recently found that one common vitamin reduced sensory pain in 74 percent of women with type 2 diabetes. It also helped ease the neuropathic pain in those suffering from it.1

It works by helping to control the insulin response of your pancreas. The more insulin your body produces, the easier it will be to control your blood sugar. This may also make flare-ups less common and severe.

But as impressive as those results are… What if these scientists made a glaring oversight that could have made a significant impact on the study? Well, we discovered that’s exactly what happened. Quite simply, they didn’t use the right form of the vitamin.

The correct form helps you manage the pain caused by type 2 diabetes even better than what this study showed.

The researchers in the study gave subjects 50,000 IU a week of vitamin D2. And it significantly helped the women taking it for their diabetes pain. But vitamin D2 is 87 percent less potent than D3.2 And taking vitamin D2 for diabetes can actually make matters worse.

People suffering from type 2 diabetes can have 25 percent less vitamin D3 in their blood than people without the disease.3 And surprisingly, taking vitamin D2 cuts the amount of D3 in your blood in half.4  That could be catastrophic.

Getting more vitamin D3 is one of the easiest ways to help prevent type 2 diabetes. It may lower your risk for the disease by 55 percent. And we’re not the only ones who think so. Researchers in the UK are currently looking at how D2 supplementation affects type 2 diabetes symptoms compared to D3.5 But you don’t have to wait for their results to start getting more D3.

The easiest—and best—way to get more vitamin D3 is by exposure to sunlight. But you’ll also find it in foods like wild-caught salmon, pastured egg yolks, and grass-fed beef. You can use quality vitamin D3 supplements, but they should come from natural sources. Remember: D3 is more potent, so you don’t need as much of it. A 2,000 IU dose of D3 can go a long way.6

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