A brand new, two-year international study – involving Harvard Medical School – has shown that one specific diet is not only safer, but also more effective than surgery or drugs for weight loss.
That new study has just been published in Circulation. It is the result of a massive international undertaking involving the U.S., the U.K., Germany, Canada, and Israel.
In the U.S., research was headed up by Harvard University’s Dr. Meir Stampfer, who is a pre-eminent expert in the field. He graduated from Harvard Medical School 25 years ago. Since then he’s been a leader in the field of nutrition… always looking to see how diet affects conditions like heart disease. He’s headed several of the most important studies on the subject, including the Nurses’ Health Study and the Physicians’ Health Study. And according to Harvard School of Public Health, he’s “the most highly cited scientist in the field of medical nutrition” of the decade.
This new study shows that diet is the best way to combat strokes and heart attack. Researchers studied 140 people, looking at how diet changed their artery walls over the course of two years. The study reviewed different types of diet and how they affect atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and blood pressure.
They used imaging technology to review the results… and for the first time can physically “see” how diet is the best way to make your heart stronger.
“For the first time we have images that prove that a diet can accomplish what we believed could only be done with pills,” says Dr. Iris Shai. She headed up the study for Ben-Gurion University, Israel. “We can actually see the changes in the vessel wall volume that are caused only by diet.”
The study also shows that one specific, long-term diet lowers blood pressure. It also reverses clogging of the arteries, which is one of the biggest risk factors in stroke and heart attack.
The findings show that weight loss can visibly reduce and reverse atherosclerosis and that one specific diet achieves this as effectively as any drug – without any of the risk.
More about these findings – and this specific diet – on Friday.
To your health,
Ian Robinson,
Managing Editor,
NHD “Health Watch”