Household Spice Activates Weight Loss

In All Health Watch, Diet and Nutrition, Featured Article, Weight Loss

Could a common household ingredient help you to cut fat production? And lose weight?

It can according to Professor Jong Won Yun. He directs research at South Korea’s prestigious Daegu University. And he’s spent the last 20 years specializing in obesity research.

He’s just published the results of his latest study. His results show that this all-natural ingredient combats obesity… and explains – for the first time – the mechanics behind it.

Prof. Yun and his team fed two groups of lab rats high-fat diets. There was only one dietary difference between the groups. One also consumed this simple spice.

The rats who took the spice ate exactly the same amount of food. But they lost almost 10 percent more body fat.

If those results hold true for humans… that would equal 20 pounds for a 200 pound man. Significant weight loss that could be achieved without diet or exercise, just by adding a natural ingredient to your meals.

“Our findings open new insights into treatments [for obesity],” says Prof. Yun.

But he didn’t just set out to prove that this spice works. He also wanted to show how it works.

His team reviewed blood tests that show the ingredient acts as catalyst… spurring changes in at least 20 proteins found in fat cells. These activated proteins literally “shrink” fat cells.

Spicing Up Weight Loss

So what’s the name of this spice? It’s the active ingredient in chili peppers… and it’s called capsaicin. And Prof. Yun’s findings are heating up the Western medical community.

Harvard graduate Dr. Andrew Weil has reviewed Prof. Yun’s findings. He says they are an evolutionary step forward in the fight against obesity.

“This study indicates that capsaicin enhances the metabolism of fat,” says Dr. Weil.

Dr. Weil has spent the last 40 years leading medical institutions in the U.S. He’s directed studies for the National Institute of Mental Health. Served on faculty at Harvard. And is currently the Program Director for the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine.

He says this new research proves that capsaicin is vital to weight loss. And provides the first breakthrough in understanding why it’s so effective.

We’ll tell you just how it works on Friday… and review the other research that supports Prof. Yun’s findings.

To your health,
Ian's signature
Ian Robinson,
Managing Editor,
NHD “Health Watch”